Scroll down to read more about the sprint and the task.
“I want to create reports for my HC and offensive team coaches that highlight elements of our last game against this opponent.
It must be easy to generate and enable the coaches to see animated plays.
Some presentation in Tableau is ok (plays will be on the web).”
2022 NFL data (2024 NFL Big Data contest) is the best in incorporating a mix of plays, but the worst in terms of available player tracking data (average play segment lengths are about 2 secs).
After not being able to find a source for 2022 player tracking data, I decided to just take some similar plays from 2018 and change some player names to make it look seamless.
The animation script is based on work I found in Kaggle by Ammar Alhaj Ali (link).
I removed the SQL and exported that data from Tableau – as I needed it for the data visualizations in Tableau and didn’t want to duplicate effort.
A data-driven report for offensive coaches and players to review strategic plays from the previous matchup with this opponent.
Leverages database design via Tableau, animated reporting using Python and Plotly. Web publishing facilitated via github and Tableau web page integration components.
Credit to Ammar Alhaj Ali (link) for the player animation script using Plotly Express. I modified it for the look-and-feel, to add new football play meta data, and removed the SQL (but used those concepts in Tableau!).
All data courtesy of the NFL – taken from their 2024 and 2022 NFL Big Data competitions. Check that out at: NFL Football Operations
So I think that I will set a pace of 3-weeks for my sprints, with 1 week for planning and 2 weeks dedicated to providing a new data analytics solution. Here are some of my initial plans for Sprint #2:
A list of stories that could be included in Sprint #2. I’m already beginning to see some synergies:
While I am a “low code” advocate – believing that an organization can most effectively leverage data analytics tools as new solutions become available via the cloud – my experience teaches me to be pragmatic. Having built a software platform, I understand marketing claims vs. reality, and I believe that having a deep understanding of the basics – like Python, R and SQL are essential to leveraging the advanced technologies of Tableau, ChatGPT, GenAI, etc.
Below I have listed the data analytics technologies in which I am specifically focused. Regression modeling, Machine Learning and generative AI modeling are some of the areas, in particular, that I am studying in more detail.
UPDATE: I just signed up for a 4-6 month Data Science certification program through IBM where I will get more experience with SQL, Tableau, Machine Learning and Generative AI tools.
"Over the course of the last 10 years, 15 years, Almost everyone would tell you ... It is vital that you learn how to program. in fact, it is almost exactly the opposite. It is our job to create computING technology, such that nobody has to program. ... Everybody in the world is now a Programmer. This is the miracle of artificial intelligence." (video)
CEO, NVIDIA, Jensen hugan, ceo Nvidia
While I understand the principles of BPR (Business Process Reengineering) and business transformation, I tend to find myself in new situations in which there are no existing business processes. I crave structure, so in these cases I create both documented processes to create structure and models to articulate our strategy. Here is one example – an overview of our eGov Strategies implementation efforts for new city and county websites:
"The collaboration with the business has to be one of the pillars of any data and analytics organization. ... We shouldn't just build it, throw it over the wall, and assume good things will happen. ... We are internal consultants. You have to embrace the Change Management.
Paul Ballew, CHief Data & Analytics Officer, NFL - CXO Talk Podcast, 2022